About Capitalism Killed the Middle Class

In his backward glance McCrory leads the reader through historical attempts to protect workers then brings the discussion into the 21st century to contemplate the obstacles facing workers today. The gig economy, AI, healthcare, criminal justice, homelessness and housing are just a few of the subjects the book attempts to tackle and encourage dialogue among friends and neighbors.


“My hope with this book is to help the next generation of activists – labor and political – figure out how we got here, what the immediate future holds, and provide some suggestions for a better future,” says McCrory. Throughout the book, the message is sometimes explicit, sometimes not as obvious: the labor movement, with its collective voice, can save the middle class.




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About Dan McCrory

Dan McCrory


Dan McCrory spent 37 years within the beast: AT&T. From poor, southern hick to clueless worker to union activist and finally to political candidate, McCrory had a ringside seat to the dismantling of a former monopoly as it transformed itself into a mean, lean machine for the 21st century. How did we get here? What does the future look like for working families? What can we do to prepare ourselves? 


Besides his book, Capitalism Killed the Middle Class, Dan has written for the glamorous telecom industry, represented actor Cliff Robertson as a Hollywood publicist, cranked out political propaganda and advertising copy (yes, there is a difference), and has edited a couple of books. He’s currently romancing Hollywood and has just finished his Great American Novel, You Will Forever Be My Always, which received an award at the Los Angeles Book Festival. He lives in Southern California.

Other Contributors

Gary Huck / Illustrator

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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

No, but it sure takes capitalism to task!

Not currently. I couldn't get the rights to include from some of the source quotes.

Yes. I went so far as to create a study guide. If you're interested let me know!

Too long. Four years.  My novel only took three months!

Press / Media

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Capitalism Killed the Middle Class in the media. Airdate: 2025-02-23

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Capitalism Killed the Middle Class in the media. Airdate: 2023-04-09


Capitalism Killed the Middle Class in the media. Airdate: 2019-04-13

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