About What Is My Fate

Aminta's action Showed dignity and Finesse. When Reuben heard that She has Cancer, He became Flabbergasted and Scared, But He treated her in a Fair and Impartial Way.

ISBN: 9781393947004 (ebook) / ISBN: 9781393343776 (paperback) / Published by: Dratf2digital / Published Date: 12/08/2020

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About Samkelo Bodwana

Samkelo Bodwana


I grew up like any child, raised by an old woman. I grew up living in a house with four of us, I never thought that One day I would become a book writer, When you grow up as a child you have many dreams and plans. But because of age and time, One has to make a right choice. Growing up is not easy, we live in a time when everything is changing Suddenly. I started writing on 2013, I only wrote for myself. I had no idea what I was doing, but I kept teaching myself. how to write a book, I was just writing poems. But intellectual listening is beneficial. 2019 I had injury, I almost lost my eyesight, according to the doctor information. I have Zy Gamaxillary Complex Fracture and Le Fort Type H Fracture, face Fracture. It happened during robbery. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is My Fate

it was not easy, I had to spend hours to find a book tittle. 

Amanda's Father was the head teacher in few years back. She had Cancer when she was Seven, then when she was 16 they moved to Cape town. That's where she meet up again with Reuben and her old friends.

In chapter 3 he was told by Amanda's Sister, Lisa. And the conversation did not end well. She belted herself and on the bus, they tried to stop her. She cried Until she fell asleep. Reuben said to her, I understand that you are in the state of being humiliated right now, please slow down. Can you do that for me? And I know you're depressed and dispirited. What she did according to the law. Was wrongful conduct which causes harm to another person and which gives rise to a claim for damage or Satisfaction. He holds her in his arms.

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