About Gerard C. Cole Sr.

Gerard C. Cole was born in the Bronx, New York and currently resides in Boston, Massachusetts. As a child, Gerard was being raised at home with his 10 siblings when suddenly, at the age of nine, he and all his siblings were taken from their home, separated into pairs, and sent to foster and group homes. On Gerard’s 18th birthday, without any direction or guidance, Nassau County Social Services dropped Gerard from the foster system, leaving him out on the street to literally fend for himself. In a world where people throw blame around like a baseball, Gerard never blamed anyone, not even his parents, for any of the misfortunes in his life. Gerard has always relied on his faith and has made it his life mission to be the best person he can be while also sharing love and knowledge with young adults, so that they too, can become the best version of themselves that they can possibly be.

Jailed by Lust - Released by Love is Gerard’s debut book. He is also known for his work as a talent consultant and manager of young and older adults. His client list included  America’s Got Talent phenomenon “Voices of Glory.”!

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