The third philosophy book in this series is due Spring of 2020.
This journal introduces a new philosophical concept, a 50 year endeavor, as the new voice of the common man comes back to life, comes back on-line. Feeling is the real voice of individual direct knowing. It is Variance. It is a unilateral, universal parallel of conscious knowing that should be, that must be, if we are to survive as a human species. It is our final wake up call. To be. To reinstate personal human freedom and individual choice, removing the fear based imperial social rule, militant guard, and psychological traps placed on our lives for the slave-processing of the human creature by cunning Omega strain domination.
The Guarded Hearts Journals usher in a new-age of personal self-awareness and paradigmatic philosophy which will redefine human sensibility, vision and what it means to be an individual in an all or nothing covert-binary abstract knowledge system.
In this last journal we will confront the biological imperatives of a unique living truth which is the essence of all direct human knowing. Imagine being moved by an organic full sense compliment which cannot be controlled by any man. Does this intrigue you or have you already become your symbol?
This book is available from various retailers in the following formats:
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