Conversations and Lectures

August 07, 2024Categories: Conversations, Lectures

Conversations and Lectures with Michael Sears
Since 2018, I've been teaching leadership and ethics at the intersection of the new technologies that are impacting our lives. Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Social Media have profoundly effected how we work and play and interact. A large part of that "teaching" has been by using cutting edge imagery and audio production technologies that make the lessons engaging. As such, I've been able to present to various audiences in community settings, academia and business conferences, as well as leisure environments in such a way that audiences stay captivated and asking for more.

Since 2018, I've been teaching leadership and ethics at the intersection of the new technologies that are impacting our lives. Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Social Media have profoundly effected how we work and play and interact.

A large part of that "teaching" has been by using cutting edge imagery and audio production technologies that make the lessons engaging. As such, I've been able to present to various audiences in community settings, academia and business conferences, as well as leisure environments in such a way that audiences stay captivated and asking for more. 

Samples of my presentations are including on this channel. They include:

  • AI and Human consciousness
    Uncover the complex relationship between AI and human consciousness, examining how AI challenges our concepts of identity and ethics, and exploring the profound implications for the future of human and AI coexistence.
  • Existentialism and AI
    Explore the intersection of existentialism and AI, addressing how technology challenges our notions of meaning, freedom, and human identity, and examining the ethical implications of AI in shaping the future of human existence.
  • History of the internet
    Trace the fascinating evolution of the internet, from its origins as a military project to a global communication network, exploring key milestones, technological innovations, and the profound impact on society, culture, and everyday life.
  • The philosophical underpinnings of modern classic world literature
    Explore the philosophical foundations of modern classic world literature, examining how timeless works grapple with existential questions, moral dilemmas, and the human condition, revealing the deep connections between literature, philosophy, and cultural identity across diverse societies.
  • Innovations that changed the world
    Discover the groundbreaking innovations that revolutionized the world, from the printing press to the internet, exploring how these inventions reshaped society, transformed industries, and continue to influence our daily lives and global progress.
  • Have we reached the new singularity
    Examine the concept of the singularity, questioning whether we've reached a pivotal point in technological advancement where AI surpasses human intelligence, and explore the profound implications for society, ethics, and the future of humanity.
  • Deep fakes and other realities
    Explore the rise of deepfakes and their impact on reality, examining how this technology blurs the line between truth and deception, and discussing the ethical, social, and legal challenges posed by these new digital realities.
  • How popular music influences leadership
    Discover how popular music shapes leadership styles, exploring the connection between music, cultural movements, and leadership practices, and how influential songs and artists inspire leaders, fostering creativity, resilience, and emotional intelligence in various fields.
  • Ethics versus Honor
    Explore the tension between ethics and honor, examining how personal values, societal expectations, and moral dilemmas shape decisions, and questioning whether ethical principles or a sense of honor should guide actions in complex situations.
  • The trolley problem in the new millennium
    Examine the trolley problem's relevance in the new millennium, exploring how emerging technologies like AI and autonomous vehicles challenge our moral decisions, and questioning how modern society navigates ethical dilemmas in an increasingly complex world.

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