Artificial Intelligence at the intersection of Ethics

Explore the ethical challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence, examining how AI's rapid development intersects with moral principles, impacts decision-making, and raises questions about fairness, accountability, and the future of human-AI coexistence.

Conversations and Lectures with Michael Sears
Since 2018, I've been teaching leadership and ethics at the intersection of the new technologies that are impacting our lives. Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Social Media have profoundly effected how we work and play and interact. A large part of that "teaching" has been by using cutting edge imagery and audio production technologies that make the lessons engaging. As such, I've been able to present to various audiences in community settings, academia and business conferences, as well as leisure environments in such a way that audiences stay captivated and asking for more.

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Conversations and Lectures

August 07, 2024

Human Intentionality in the Age of AI

July 24, 2024

How AI systems shape our choices.

Does the AI think a Hot Dog is a Sandwich?

July 03, 2024

The debate on AI data bias.

An existentialist philosopher discusses Autonomy & AI

June 23, 2024

Authenticity and Autonomy with an virtual existentialist philosopher.

Authenticity, Autonomy and AI

June 21, 2024

The intersection of existentialism and artificial intelligence.

AI and the Classical Greeks

May 06, 2024

How might the philosophies of the classical Greeks apply to today's AI technologies?

AI & Education: Plagiarism

January 29, 2024

The AI Elephant in the room - Plagiarism


November 20, 2023

What does it mean to be Trustworthy?

Introduction to AI at the Crossroads of Ethics

August 28, 2023

The ethical dilemmas AI presents, including issues of bias, accountability, and the broader impact on society.

Conversations and Lectures

Conversations and Lectures

Human Intentionality in the Age of AI

How AI systems shape our choices.

Does the AI think a Hot Dog is a Sandwich?

The debate on AI data bias.

An existentialist philosopher discusses Autonomy & AI

Authenticity and Autonomy with an virtual existentialist philosopher.

Authenticity, Autonomy and AI

The intersection of existentialism and artificial intelligence.

AI and the Classical Greeks

How might the philosophies of the classical Greeks apply to today's AI technologies?

AI & Education: Plagiarism

The AI Elephant in the room - Plagiarism


What does it mean to be Trustworthy?

Introduction to AI at the Crossroads of Ethics

The ethical dilemmas AI presents, including issues of bias, accountability, and the broader impact on society.

The Stockdale Paradox

How does VADM James Stockdale connect with Jim Collins' Stockdale Paradox